Hi! Welcome to my Website! On here, we can discuss the different research techniques used in various creative media industries. You can see how these Research techniques can positively/Negatively Impact on the following pages. We will be studying Digipaks,Album Magazine Adverts and Music Videos and the research methods that build their foundation.
The reason why these methods are administered is mainly to enhance the product and make it better and more efficient, for everyone using it. Therefore, the media industry can continue to flourish and continue to produce the merchandise of an even higher standard. Without further ado...Here are the Research Methods that we will delve into:
Primary Market Research: This is known as "field research" and this is extracted from first - hand sources. Some examples are: Questionnaires, Focus Groups
Secondary Market Research: This is also known as "Desk Research" and is taken from data that already exist and has been previously gathered by other people or organisations. Some examples are: Archives, Interenet or Books
Quantitative Research: This is research that looks at figures and statistical data and hard facts in order to guide the product/service and make it better for everyone. We can obtain this research (depending on the aspect of the industry) through Box office figures,Readership circulation figures and the number of hits/sales/subscriptions.
Qualitative Research: This is research that looks at peoples opinions and personal reviews in order to make the product/service better for everyone else. These can be obtained through Websites. App/Games/Film Reviews or discussion or message boards
Audience Research: We do Audience research to understand what people are currently watching/reading or buying, so we can make the product better for them. We look specifically at: demographics,consumer behavior and audience data in general. Especially, the target market that product is being aimed at.
Market Research: We use market research in order to make the product better for those who are buying it, such as beating out the competitors. Therefore, by researching the competitors and analyzing their statistics, it tells us how to improve our product so we can increase our numbers over theirs.Market research also see's the effects of what advertising can do to the market that the product is being aimed at.
Production Research: This is research into the product itself that we are trying to sell to the Target Market, we look at information based on development of the product/service, such as Finance, Personnel, Placement Media, Resources and locations.